Friday 28 December 2018

It's a busy life.....

Having too much to write is worse than not having enough.

Well, that’s my opinion. I can usually think of things, I’m always thinking of things, it’s a constant in my life.  My brain nagging away at me with everything imaginable. So, after not having written for so long (due to circumstances rather than motivation) it will be a challenge to get something down rather than waffling on and on like I am already doing.
Polkerris Beach
Polkerris Beach

There has been a definite lack of Roaming the Paths in the latter part of this year.  A couple of good walks in Cornwall whilst on an enforced chill out during the summers heatwave, otherwise just the occasional lunch stroll escaping form work, early morning refreshers before work, or a tootle off to the pub across the fields of an evening – after work.

It has been the year of “Doing stuff to the house”.

Starting in April when a bunch of scaffolders arrived mob handed and clad my house and my neighbours house with platforms.  The building was to be re-thatched.

This gave the opportunity to access parts of the house that would not be accessible again for maybe a generation, to paint the unreachable and access the inaccessible. Inevitably surprises were found.

Thatching a roof

Bits of flakey paint that resulted in replacing beams consumed by dry rot. Fixing loose masonry. Discovering that Bees may not be quite as bright as I thought and what a Bees stink feel like. Inventing window cills from assorted fillers and paints. I also discovered what an awesome invention Wood Hardener is!

Plenty of painting occurred, as with the scaffolding in place there was easy access to places that are tricky with a ladder (and I’m not a fan of the ladder).

Hot on the heels of this was rebuilding two Porches, and discovering the joy of having brand new Shingles on a roof -  they look so good and smell divine!

About this time we got confirmation of momentous news, that we were expecting a child.

This put even more ginger into getting the house sorted.  Both the Kitchen and bathroom needed replacing – from the ground up.
No Kitchen
Destruction. No Kitchen.

So, out came not just the kitchen and bathroom, but the floor under them.  Thankfully our camping knowledge helped us through the tricky times of having no running water or electric.  Whilst both of these were restored relatively quickly, it was a while before full services resumed – a week or so before the loo was working, a month before the bath was working, and a further month before the shower was working.  We are still using the temporary kitchen a friend of mine kindly installed whilst I was banging away at the plumbing.

Anyway, the residence is now functional, if not completed.  Due to the impending arrival works have ceased.  It is functional some parts completed – but still a massive improvement on the damp, cold shambles that was there before!

I feel like I am leaving a dark tunnel and emerging into the daylight.  Literally.
A winter day in the countryside
A Fine Winter day

I finally got out for a walk just for the pleasure. I miss these walks. Anything under 3 miles of an hours duration is barely time to get your head into the right frame of mind.

I hope to do more soon, many I am sure will involve carrying or pushing a child, but I will get out and Roam the Paths, and report back my findings.

Kennet and Avon Canal
Kennet and Avon Canal

Saturday 28 April 2018

Peak Pods - Alport


I have always been a fan of camping.  I might not necessarily be a fan of the weather, but the freedom of the great outdoors is truly liberating.

A camp site in summer
I have never got as far as wild camping, other than the occasional overnight kip in a car because somethings not worked out as expected: I am very keen on the porcelain rather than the latrine or hedgerow for toilet purposes.

Wednesday 25 April 2018

My aching feet - plantar fasciitis.

There is a condition that is surely a scourge of the walker, athlete and people in general, and one that seems to molests many people in middle age - plantar fasciitis.

In my opinion,  it may be a lot more widespread than usually acknowledged - I suspect its something that's not so widely known about.

Sunday 15 April 2018

Mendips - Burrington and Rowberrow

Wild Garlic
Wild Garlic

A day out in Somerset.

Mrs Roamingthepaths  aka @littlepieceofwonder,  had signed up for a course called "Out of the woods" with  @simpleandseason at @simpsonsisters

Initially, the arrangement was Mrs Roaming commandeering the car for the day. Not an issue, as I had decided that it might be an opportunity to chill, listen to bad music and go for a long walk about the vale.  The location she was heading for was ‘Bristolish’. However, an idea occurred to me that it might be a good location for a roam. On further investigation, it revealed that the Bristol postcode was firmly within the Mendips. This was an area that I had always admired, but as yet, not explored.

I had the notion of going along for the journey, and having a good day’s roam, a wander, a hike and to generally investigate the area. Also in my mind was the possibility of a good pub lunch, and maybe a beer or two, and a beautiful spring day.

To the Mendips

Thus, early on a Saturday morning (quite early for me and far too early for her) we set off.

Traffic was light, but our planning was bad. We had to stop for petrol: thankfully time was still on our side. A map was consulted near the destination, public toilets were visited, and we arrived in good time.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Alport to Youlgrave via Bradford Dale circular.

Today's weather engendered more enthusiasm in us. 

Not that it was stunning, but rather that it was considerably better than the previous day. The improved weather combined with the revelation that we were not broken after yesterdays mission and that today's walk was to be a gentler affair, we set off with a relative spring in the step. 

Old House

The weather was more "Seasonal" with the promise of showers rather than non-stop drizzle, the chance of some sunshine in exchange for occasional rain seemed like a bargain worth accepting with glee.